PPC By Chameleon

Do people in marketing positions understand Google Adwords

Do people in marketing positions understand Google Adwords with SEO companies paying to be in search results will marketing managers actually click and use the companies advertising.

If the SEO Companies were able to achieve SEO results for the product they are advertising they would be in the organic listings themselves surely?

Do people in marketing positions understand #GoogleAdwords

The Value Of Time

The Value Of Time To Complete A Job

Have you ever thought about the effects of rushing a job?

In the Web Design and SEO World clients often want things done now! or Yesterday.

They never stop to take time to think that to be great you need time to achieve GREAT.

At Chameleon, we often get asked “How long will it take” for our web design and SEO tasks.

Clients come to us because of referrals, seeing other work we have completed or finding us top of Google but they often do not appreciate the time taken to achieve some of the amazing work we complete.

How Google Works by Matt Cutts

Watch this great simple video to understand how Google Works from Matt Cutts.

This video will explain what Google does and then think about how Chameleon can help Google find your website and place it in high ranking positions for search terms relevant to your website.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is an important part of Google and if an SEO Company works to make the website Google friendly then a website will improve rankings.