Google Webmaster Help – Google does not use the keywords meta tag in web ranking

If you want to understand whether Google does or does not use the keywords meta tag in web ranking then the best person to learn from is Matt Cutts. Matt is Head of Google’s Webspam Team and in this video he explains Google do not use the meta keywords for rankings.

Google does not use the keywords meta tag in web ranking

If you listen to what Matt has said here you can help to optimise your website yourself.

This page was Google Webmaster Help – Google does not use the keywords meta tag in web ranking

Moon in Google Earth

Land on the Moon in Google Earth. With Moon in Google Earth, you can take tours narrated by Apollo astronauts, view 3D models of landed spacecraft, zoom into 360-degree photos, and watch rare TV footage of the Apollo missions. Download Google Earth 5.0 to start exploring the Moon.

Moon in Google Earth

Google Webmaster Help – Is Google doing away with use of the meta description

If you want to understand about how Google uses the meta description then the best person to learn from is Matt Cutts. Matt is Head of Google’s Webspam Team and in this video he explains why you should the meta description on your website.

Is Google doing away with use of the meta description?

If you listen to what Matt has said here you can help to optimise your website yourself.

This page was Google Webmaster Help – Is Google doing away with use of the meta description

Google Webmaster Help – Will I be penalized if my URLs all have the same priority

If you want to understand about XML sitemaps then the best person to learn from is Matt Cutts. Matt is Head of Google’s Webspam Team and in this video he explains about the use of priority in your XML sitemaps.

Should I tweak my titles and descriptions to improve my CTR?

If you listen to what Matt has said here you can help to optimise your website yourself.

This page was Google Webmaster Help – Will I be penalized if my URLs all have the same priority

Google Webmaster Help – What impact does server location have on rankings

If you want to understand about what impact server location has on rankings then the best person to learn from is Matt Cutts. Matt is Head of Google’s Webspam Team and in this video he explains about server location can affect Google Rankings.

What impact does server location have on rankings?

If you listen to what Matt has said here you can help to optimise your website using server location IP address.

This page was Google Webmaster Help – What impact does server location have on rankings