Warn User if Back is Pressed

Preventing users from going back using the back button is something that gets asked every now and again.

So if you want to warn a user if the “back button” is pressed then you can use the following javascript snippet:-

window.onbeforeunload = function() { return "If you go back your work will be lost."; };

This will add a warning message which opens in the browser when the back button is pressed. The problem is that is can sometimes with certain browsers pop up when you do not want it to.

The importance of ALT Tags for images

If you want to understand the importance of ALT tags for images watch this video from Matt Cutts – Google Head Search Engineer.

Matt Cutts discusses the alt attribute

Examples of SEO Misinformation

Matt Cutts explains some examples about SEO Misinformation that have been given by reputable people.

What are some examples of SEO misinformation?

Google Zeitgeist 2010: Year in Review

Year in Search 2010: Year in Review

The Big Software Directory

The Big Software Directory
