Essential SEO

We get asked frequnetly if SEO is important and our reply is that “SEO is essential” if you have an online business.

Search engine optimisation carried out correctly will give Google the opporunity to find the information they need in way that makes Google like your website more than a competitor.

A good way to understand how essential SEO is to your online business you can watch this video by Matt Cutts. In this video Matt explains how Google ranks a website using a unique evaluation process. The crawling that Google does and the analysis of a website is the starting point and how crawling is carried out over a long period of time.

This video helps explain the Google dance and also explain how Google crawls and updates more and more data today than they did before.

The frequencies and priorities of crawls and indexing is a very important part of the Google search and the filtering processes within the Google indexed databases.

How does Google Search work?

Essential SEO

An expert SEO company will help Google find all the data that is required to help you get your website into Google search results for the keywords that you want to be found under. This is an essential part of your online business and SEO works to improve the rankings simply by helping Google find the details it needs.

What about Negative SEO