

Public relation (PR) combined with Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is basically where we write press releases and marketing papers for website to help the growth of a company profile online.

This SEO PR term is a relatively new industry keyword that has developed since around 2009 and grown in popularity since. In 2013 it becoming more and more popular as Google force online SEO methods to use clean and ethical methods of growing a brand online.

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Find out information about your website as thou you were a robot and check out information as Google gets it to assist in your search engine optimisation.

Google Rankings Dropped

Google Rankings Dropped

Google is one of the most powerful companies that we are aware of. They can make or break a business overnight. This is why your company should take them seriously and ensure that SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is taken seriously.
It is important for every business to have an online presence in the technological age we are living in. This creates trust between the brand and the user, and also acts as another platform from which to market and sell your goods and/or services. But what good is it to have a website that nobody can find? This is why Google rankings are important.

As Google is the most popular search engine of choice for the majority of Internet users, it is important that you get to and remain on the first page of results for your given keywords to help ensure that people will be vising your website.

A lot of companies are already aware of the need for SEO, and partake in it by employing an SEO company to do the work, or attempting it themselves. SEO is not an exact science, especially due to the fact that Google keeps making changes to improve its service for users, therefore Google rankings are prone to fluctuation.

However, if your Google ranking has dropped significantly over a short period of time, this could be an indication of negative SEO practices which may cause problems for your online presence. One of the most common counter-productive SEO practices is the building of unnatural backlinks. Websites need links to other trustworthy sites to add power and ensure search engines that they are reliable; these links take time to build up. To cut corners and save time, some SEO companies purchase large amounts of unreliable backlinks in bulk orders. Whilst this was an acceptable form of SEO in the past, it is now not-acceptable in the eyes of Google after their Penguin and Panda updates which were done to improve the quality of their search results. As a result, unnatural backlink creation is heavily penalised by Google, resulting in your website dropping out of the search engine results.

Some companies believe that once they have gained positions in search engine results that SEO is no longer needed; this is not the case. SEO is an on-going process; just because you are top one day does not mean you will be forever. It would be devastating to put a lot of time and effort into SEO, only then to stop once you reach the top, and then see your Google rankings dropped.

Significant drops in Google rankings can be avoided by ensuring that your SEO company only uses white hat methods and you continue to practice SEO continuously. If you have been penalised by Google for use of black hat methods, look for a SEO company that can rectify the mistakes and get your Internet marketing campaign back online.

Get SEO Advice from Chameleon, simply contact us.

EMD Update – Exact Match Domain

Matt Cutts gave us another SEO weather warning or should we say a warning about another update. This time it is the EMD update which is designed to remove low-quality and exact match domains from the Google search results.

How important is it to have keywords in a domain name?

The idea is to prevent people coming up with perfect domain names that match the keywords that they are going to be buying. Matt Cutts wants people to be a domain name that works for people.

If your website has suddenly disappeared from Google in October and the domain name is an exact match of keywords then you are likely to have been hit with the EMD update. Remember Search Engine Optimisation is a complicated process and Google are always working to improve search results for the positive of the users using Google.

How Google Works by Matt Cutts

Watch this great simple video to understand how Google Works from Matt Cutts.

This video will explain what Google does and then think about how Chameleon can help Google find your website and place it in high ranking positions for search terms relevant to your website.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is an important part of Google and if an SEO Company works to make the website Google friendly then a website will improve rankings.