What makes the best SEO company and how do you know who to trust, being an SEO company we are biased towards ourselves but so to make this article a non-biased article about SEO company trust and SEO achievements we thought we would put our 3rd party hat on.
An SEO company is working towards keywords that both you desire and keywords that the SEO company will recommend. If an SEO company offers only their keywords as why? Often SEO companies will look at the keywords with the lower competition and push clients to these so the SEO company can achieve them easily and then look good. But this does nothing for your sales figures. So a good SEO company is flexible on keywords.
SEO companies promising top position for any keyword is great, but in reality ask them why they are not top of Google for their keyword. Simply put it is not possible to be top of anything. There are so many factors that can effect this and the results that are achieved are only possible if the competition can be beaten. Sometimes the keyword is impossible or would cost far too much that the budget is in not going to allow it. So a good SEO company will give realistic goals from the outset and will be realistic.
We are a Birmingham based SEO Company so you would expect us to be on page one for the keywords “Birmingham seo company” and “SEO Company Birmingham”. But we are also based in the UK so keywords relating to this like “UK based SEO company” should also be achievable. A Good seo commpany should be able to achieve SEO results for their own website.
Costs of SEO can be very expensive so when looking for the best SEO company you should consider the budget you have. If an SEO companies quotes a figure without investigation walk away. Every keyword has different competition and every web site has different strengths and different competitors with different budgets. An SEO project cost should reflect the job being carried out.
We recommend if an SEO company can quote you a cost in a 10 minute conversation how they can justify this. We often take a day or so to finally deliver an achievable cost which will result in a return for the client. So the best SEO company should quote accurate and honestly for each project.
The current SEO results for clients in difficult demanding sector is important. A client that has got a website on page one of Google for a nothing term really means nothing. We have clients in major sectors in top positions and this says a lot about our SEO. Check the ranking of existing clients and see what they achieve as the best SEO company should achieve good rankings for clients.
So the best SEO company will have a proven track record for SEO success and be pricing the SEO costs correctly and then delivering project results as agreed. Simple really now look at Chameleon and see what you think.
Who is the best SEO Company in the UK? You decide!