
Cadwell Park Safety Video Goes Viral

We recently got involved creating a video to highlight the importance of safety for amateur racing drivers following a horrible crash at Cadwell Park involving Darren Langeveld and his racing Clio Cup 172 Racing Car.

Cadwell Park Clio Pit wall crash HANS device

The video went live 03/11/2014 and has already achieved over 100,000 views on YouTube and this is growing buy the hour.

This video seems to have hit home the importance of safety but also has angered the motorsport drivers and fans.

cadwell park crash

Why Did We Do This Cadwell Park Safety Video?

After the accident we were all just glad to see Darren O.K even with minor injuries, but after a short while a discussion was had about what to do with all the footage.

The car was scrap which was a great waste but perhaps it could have one more use so it was decided a film had to be made.

It would have been easy to produce a quick and not very slick name and shame campaign but the chance to perhaps save a few future lives seemed too good to miss.

Darren’s script was written and edited to be mostly positive and lean heavily towards safety and the joys of motorsport.

A lot of people had generously helped prepared the car and provide assistance with parts and so on. It only seemed right to thank them too.

On the day of the accident, I had done a lot of filming for fun so there was plenty of source material to work with.

The extra presenting and narration filming was taken in Aarons Autos garage next to the damaged car.

war of the worlds

The setup was described to look from CCTV like something from the “War Of The Worlds”.

To be honest, when the final edit was completed everyone agreed it was a nice little safety video.

No-one had any idea how good response was going to be, it’s all a little shocking see all the threads and comments around the internet.

After the dust has settled, no-one will have made any money but if a few racers this year buy a HANS device after watching this video that’s fine by me.

Let’s hope next year’s racing season goes better for everyone and lessons have been learned.

Cadwell Park Crash MSVR

Cadwell Park Crash MSVR 3

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Cadwell Park Crash MSVR 2


See Darren & Chris Hoey Outright Win in the Clio