FREE SEO ToolsChameleon have been developing FREE SEO Tools and you can now start to use the service. The SEO tools are designed to assist you in understanding how the Google robotwill see your website and ensure you following the SEO guidelines required to achieve Google ranking success.

PageRank Drop – Why?

The Google toolbar can be used to see the rank that Google gives a website. Google update this information about 3 or 4 times a year.

Matt Cutts explains the reason for this is that people get hung up on page rank and the goal is to make people focus on making websites better in terms of content.

How can you identify the cause of a page rank drop?

If an external link was adding power and has now been dropped then this will cause this. Or if you have changed the internal linking structure of your website then this will also have an effect.

Page ranking dropping by 30% is often due to breaking guidelines and this becomes detected and then this power will be removed. Remove the paid links and then ask Google to check and then the page rank will return.

How can I identify causes of a PageRank drop?

To speak to an SEO consultant fill in the contact form or give us call.

If you wanted to check out your website yourself now you can use our FREE SEO tools.

Cheap SEO

Many SEO companies advertise ‘cheap SEO’ to try and entice customers who potentially have a small budget for SEO, or do not want to spend a lot on this service altogether, or wish to try the service before they commit their full budget to it. Whatever the reason why cheap SEO may seem like a good option, please be warned that it is not!

The truth is that cheap SEO companies use strategies which can irreversibly damage your website’s reputation and standing within Google. This is because they often use quick-fix black hat SEO techniques to show positive results immediately which are not ethical or sustainable in the long term. This means that they will damage your search engine rankings.

Cheap Search Engine Optimisation – SEO

A common cheap SEO technique is to purchase links to your website to make it appear reliable and popular; each link acts as an endorsement of your site. However, in practise link building is a time consuming process and so purchasing and having 500 links built to your site in a day is unrealistic and unnatural; Google penalises this activity by dropping the websites ranking position or removing them from the index altogether. Once these links are built, it is very difficult to get them removed as the owner of each linked site has to be contacted and asked to remove the link; not every website owner will be contactable and some may refuse to remove the links, meaning that damage is permanently done to your site.

Similarly, link farms are often used by cheap SEO companies which further damage your link profile. This is because the links created through these farms are often not related to your business sector and have no relevance, thus devaluing the power of the links.

In SEO, as in life, you get what you pay for. Cheap SEO is not worth taking a gamble on; if it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Look for an SEO company with reasonable prices and an established reputation; this research could be the difference between online success and failure.

If you wanted to check out your website yourself now you can use our FREE SEO tools.

How will my site look in Google listings

If you want to see how your website will appear in Google search result listings you can use the Google Snippet Tool.

Google Snippets

How does Google consider site-wide backlinks? Matt Cutts

How does Google consider site-wide backlinks?

Matt Cutts answers – How does Google consider site-wide backlinks?