Entries by chameleon

Panda Update 21 December 2012

Google Panda Update 21 December 2012 It is coming up to Christmas and just as we are all starting to look at shutting down our computers for a nice holiday, Google have rolled out another Panda update. Google have said that this is officially only a “refresh” which is said to impact around 1.3% of […]

Comet stores close their doors for the last time on Tuesday 18/12/2012

Signs that even the large companies are facing problems as Comet stores close their doors for the last time on Tuesday 18/12/2012. Comet had nearly 236 stores in total which has been a credit to the company since its opening in 1933. The administrators Deloitte have said that unsecured creditors would be aiming to get […]


Chameleon have been developing FREE SEO Tools and you can now start to use the service. The SEO tools are designed to assist you in understanding how the Google robotwill see your website and ensure you following the SEO guidelines required to achieve Google ranking success.

Google Data Highlighter

Learn about how you can use the Data Highlighter feature in Webmaster Tools to show Google patterns of structured data on your website without modifying your pages.