
SEO Company

 The power of the internet is clear and everyone in some way or another is using the internet to benefit them. It maybe a home consumer selling items on Ebay or simply searching for a bargain online. Either way it is clear that being on the internet has huge advantages over in terms of making money or saving money.

This internet success thou comes with a price as everyone is trying to take the top 10 places in Google and there are millions of websites trying to be on page one. You will find lots of SEO company quotes stating we guarantee page one success or top position for your chosen keywords. But the truth is that is a war out there.

To be top of Google for a chosen keyword is difficult and a good SEO company will have to work hard to achieve success. But remember that whilst they are working hard to get the website in the top spot of Google so is another SEO company working to do the same for another website.

If you search in for “SEO Company” you will find on average about 59,800,000 results. which means being on page one of Google for this term the SEO company has worked very hard and / or spent a lot of money on backlinks.

What is Search Engine Optimisation?

Every website contains content that is either unique or copied from other sources. Search Engine Optimisation is the task of presenting a website to Google in a way that it will achieve good ranking and be useful to user to achieve on page success.

SEO requires mathematical skills, resources and a bit of luck. Google changes it algorithm frequently and if it was easy to work out everyone would be able to achieve page on results. Googles amazing algorithm has made Google the best search engine world wide and this is due to the quality of the results on page one. An SEO company trys to achieve results on page and this is a gamble.

Google Page One Success using an SEO Company

If you use an SEO company to achieve Google Page One Success then you are going to be have to understand the work that the SEO consultants do is not going to work over night. Often it takes 6 months to start achieving high ranking results and this is what makes it hard for Search Engine Optimisation companies to get a good name as they are working in the dark it would seem and there is huge amount of trust required to wait for results. A Good SEO company will not promise the earth and if they do offer number one spot for the hardest terms we would start asking questions.

Chameleon is one of the UKs leading SEO Company’s and we have achieved success for every client but sometimes it is hard and clients have to trust us with his waiting game. Chameleon invested a huge amount of money into SEO 3 years ago creating an SEO infrastructure of website that are growing ready for the SEO links to be added in the coming months. This puts Chameleon firmly on the map and you only have to search terms like Birmingham SEO Company or UK based SEO Company to see why Chameleon is leading the way in the SEO field.

SEO Company

Finding an SEO company is not hard. but how do you know that they can deliver what is that they say they can.

Well imagine that you were a Birmingham based business and you wanted SEO services you may search in Google for Birmingham SEO services or Birmingham SEO company. You would hope that the SEO company that is based in Birmingham is top of Google for the search you have chosen.

Then you may want to check out a few clients site and see how they have done compared to other SEO companies.

You may see a portfolio site like a Sweet Shop and think to yourself well the word “Sweets” must be a tough keyword to be on the first page of Google for.

I would suggest trying this and then contact Chameleon Web Services.