It is strongly advised to have an SSL in place for SEO purposes and for visitors to your website as it protects all sensitive information, such as passwords, credit card information etc as well as increasing your Google rankings. Trust from your customers will be enhanced and conversion rates will be improved.
Google has announced that if an SSL Certificate is not in place on a website by July 2018, then they will be alerting web surfers of this fact and highlighting that the site is not secure. Your site could be flagged up and display a warning message from Google as ‘Not Secure’, for all your visitors to see. The main reason for Google’s strong backing of this change is quite simple, the more websites that have this extra security, the safer all websites will be.

This is a service that we can provide you with and can obtain and install your certificate for the cost of £65 + VAT on a yearly basis.
Please do not hesitate to contact us, here at Chameleon Web Services, should you wish us to provide you with this service.