Munich U Bahn Map

Visiting Munich and getting around could not be easier. All you need is a map of the Munich U Bahn / S Bahn to get around Munich.

I there are a up to 4 people travelling together purchase a 4 person day ticket for 10 Euro’s and you can get around Munich very easy at practically no cost.

Travelling around Munich on U Bahn is the fastest and cheapest way to get from A to B and the trains are so frequent that is so easy, if you miss a train simply wait for the next and normally within a few minutes there will be another.

There is display boards with times on which will tell you how long you will have to wait for the next train and these are accurate.

Click on map below and you can see this has both the U-Bahn and S-Bahn. Once you get from the Airport and into the centre of Munich you really only a Munich U Bahn map. Save this map to your phone, don’t bother buying an APP for your smart phone you don’t need one. save yourself some money.

Munich S U-Bahn Map


Munich U-Bahn Map


The above map is all you need for travelling on the Munich U Bahn. Save this on your smart phone as an image and whilst travelling around you can quickly pull up the image.

When you are at the U Bahn all the trains have the map plastered around anyway. Even on the ceiling of the train so if you visit in the October Fest and drink a little too much when you are lying on the floor of the train you can still see the map :-).

Munich Travel Tips:-

  • Look at the station name at the end of the line. When you approach a U Bahn platform this is what you need to ensure you travel in the right direction.
  • Stamp your ticket – you get fined if you don’t.
  • When leaving the U Bahn station if the escalators are not running they are no broken 🙂 as you approach there is a pressure pad that starts the escalator.

Enjoy your Munich trip. Visit the Englischer Garten, German for “English Garden”, a nice Beer Garden set in a beautiful park.

Englischen Garten Address– Verwaltung des Englischen Gartens München, Englischer Garten 2, 80538, München, South West, Germany.Opening times – All year.

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Admission – Free